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Tuition Assistance

Deadline for new families to apply for assistance is January 20th, 2023

Access to Catholic education is a wonderful opportunity for many families, and we strive to make it accessible. At Blessed Sacrament Catholic School we have three tuition assistance opportunities for families who qualify. These tuition assistance opportunities available allow families to afford a Catholic education for their children within their financial means.

To be considered for any assistance, you must complete this tuition assistance request application and log on to the FACTS website and look for “Grants and Aid.”

1. Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Tuition Assistance

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School students, who are from families that are Active members at Blessed Sacrament Church, are eligible for the reduced parishioner tuition rate. Blessed Sacrament Parish verifies the active parishioner status of their families according to our specific, parish-established criteria.

Upon enrollment, a review for Active Parishioner Status will take place. 

Verification is needed before the “Parishioner” tuition rate can be assigned.

With the lifting of the general dispensation,

A “Registered and Active” family/individual is one who:

  • 1. Has been formally registered and participating in the life of the parish for at least 3 months.
  • 2. Participates in Worship through weekly attendance at Weekend Masses. 
  • 3. Places envelopes weekly in the offertory, even if empty.

• If you give online, please turn in your empty envelopes weekly at Mass and check "I give online”.

• If you contribute periodically through the collection, please remember to put in envelopes weekly, even if empty, and mark "I attended Mass”.

• Contributions in cash can only be considered when presented in a parish envelope.

• Multiple envelopes put in at a weekend Mass will be considered participation for that one Mass.

• Envelopes Dropped off or Mailed will not be considered participation at Mass.

• Blank Green envelopes are available in the church if needed.

Families must be Active Members of the Parish for a child to be eligible to receive a Sacrament.

Active parishioner status must be maintained for a family to continue to receive the reduced parishioner tuition rate. 

If at a periodic review a family is changed from Active Parishioner Status to Non Active Parishioner Status, due to not meeting the active criteria set, the family will not continue to receive the reduced parishioner tuition rate for active parishioners from Blessed Sacrament Church for 2023-2024. At the following periodic review, the status of a parishioner family would be re-evaluated.

click here to print and fill out the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Parishioner Verification Form

Once you have completed the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Tuition Assistance form, the following supporting documentation needs to be uploaded to the FACTS Grant and Aid. FACTS Grant & Aid can be accessed via Parentweb Portal.

  • Copies of your 2021 Federal tax forms including all supporting tax schedules.
  • Copies of your 2021 W-2 forms for both you and your spouse.
  • Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation, and TANF.

Please allow 14 business days for FACTS to verify your FACTS Grant & Aid Application.

2. Father McCarthy Catholic Education Fund

In 2014, The Father McCarthy Catholic Education Fund was created and has been used to assist with tuition, especially in unexpected circumstances. Please consider a donation to the FMCEF so that we may help these children continue their education here at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School.

3. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Tuition Assistance Grant

The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Endowment funds the Diocese of Charleston St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Tuition Assistance Grant. The purpose of this grant is to assist Catholic families wishing to send their children to a Diocesan elementary school who require financial assistance.

Click Here to access the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Tuition Assistance Grant Application

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